It feels so good to be writing on the blog again. After almost a year off, I have decided to go back to blogging and keep up this wonderful blog that I have spent nearly 8 years updating. When I decided to take a pause last year, it was feeling more like an obligation that something that brought me joy. I have always wanted the blog to be a place of inspiration and connection, and I needed to be coming from an inspired place to create. So I decided to let go of the guilt and just set it aside to another time when I could fully commit.

Fast-forward to today, when I am feeling so full of inspiration and have so many ideas for blog posts coming up. I have decided to approach blogging a slightly different way than in the past. I don’t know if you have heard the saying “done is better than perfect” I will admit that this happens to me all of the time. In fact in even happened tonight before I wrote this post. I started fiddling with the fonts saying to myself “I can’t relaunch if the font isn’t updated. Oh wait what about the logos for social media…” I could have gone on all night long tweaking this and that and never written the post. But at some point you just have to start. No, it’s not going to be perfect but it will be shared and out there for people to enjoy. So you can count on more posts, maybe not super fancy designed posts, because the point is to share it out with you. If I spend weeks working on a post, its no good if it goes unpublished. So let’s say it together, done is better than perfect.

There are some VERY exciting things coming up and I’m not just saying that, there really are, trust me! I thank you for reading this post and inspiring me every day to keep creating content. Can’t wait for what this year holds.

LIFELauren Mizrahi