Well first off, sorry for the long silence. Things have been picking up on all accounts recently. At work we are in full swing on a campaign that launches in September, I'm getting ready to go to Europe with my sister and a new little kitty joined my life a few weeks ago. With all of these changes, keeping the blog up to speed has been a little challenging but don't worry. The next month will be quite crazy but will provide LOTS of opportunities for blog posts.

First up on the blog posts is a recipie I've been meaning to do for awhile. It is for a fruit shrub. When I first heard of shrubs I assumed it was some sort of herbal concoction but it actually is a infused fruit drink. I did a little research and these drinks grew in popularity when America was still a colony and farmers needed a refreshing drink. The drink started to pick up steam from college students and sailors and people started mixing in alcohol.

The best part is the you can make shrubs out of any seasonal fruit that you find at the farmers market. I followed 

Bon Appetit's recipie for shrubs

 but didn't strain out the fruit because I liked it being a little more pureed. I choose farmer's market strawberries and basil as a perfect intro-to-summer combo. It was super refreshing and would be a lovely drink for a hot summer's day. Serve over ice with sparking water or add in a shot of vodka for a little bit more fun. The possibilities are endless!!