I haven't taken a month off from blogging, well...ever...since I started my blog in fact. I feel pretty darn terrible about not being on here posting for the longest time. More about that later. As you may have noticed things, are looking quite different around the blog. I switched from Blogger which I have been using for YEARS and transitioned over to Squarespace. There are all sorts of features on here which I didn't have access to on my old blog. I'm excited to keep refining and creating a better experience for you, my lovely reader. Well enough about that boring stuff let me update you on what's been going on...

It has truly been a whirlwind over the last couple of months. Here are 10 things to update you on. 

1. I went to New York 3 times in the last 2 months. Seriously, that makes for a lot of time watching movies on the plane. One of my recent favorites was Tumbledown a sort of romantic dramadey about a singer in Maine (plus the ever-so-adorable Jason Sudeikis) 

2. I ate 20 pounds of truffles. Well maybe not that many but I really took advantage of the abundance of truffles in Italy. Truffles on my burratta, truffles on my pasta, I could go on. 

3. I bonded with Olivia. As you may know I adopted a sweet little rescue kitty at the end of May. She and I have been playing and snuggling away ever since she came to stay. I am so happy that she is a part of my life and I look forward to seeing her furry little face every night when I come home. Check out snapchat @ellie_sf for daily cat updates. 

4. I went to my first music festival. I was lucky enough to go to Panorama music festival with work. While I did have to put in a few hours (ok 7) each day, I also got to enjoy seeing a few of the acts and eating the delicious food. 

5. Speaking of delicious food and New York, since I have been going there so frequently, I have added a few favorites to my list. I quickly found out that New York is not like SF where there are only a handful of good restaurants per neighborhood...there are countless options in each neighborhood. So many that I got overwhelmed looking at Yelp. A few that my friends have introduced me to are Two Hands, Baz Bagel, and Scarpetta. I'm sure I'll be headed there again soon so give me your recommendations. 

6. My sister and I had an amazing 2 week trip to Europe. I am still sorting through all of the pictures but I can't wait to share our favorite discoveries with you. It was so incredible to just detach from day to day life for a minute and enjoy discovering both new and familiar places. It was a wonderful trip that I won't soon forget. 

7. I got a promotion at work. I know I don't talk about work on here often but I firmly believe in celebrating accomplishments and this seems like a big one. I am now working as a Brand Marketing Manager on Sephora Collection. I wanted to transition into a brand marketing role so this was exactly what I was looking for. I am so excited to be fully on this team. 

8. I bought up nearly all of the souvenirs in Europe. On that fabulous vacation, I really went on a shopping spree. It turns out that the money you spend on vacation doesn't count (and neither do the calories, wink) I love the perfume I got from Aqua Flor, the dishes from Gien, and the rose sachet from Santa Maria Novella

9. I jumped into the ocean off the bow of a boat. Last weekend I was in Malibu for a bachelorette party. We went on a beautiful sailboat along the Santa Monica coast. When we anchored and the captain asked who wanted to go swimming, I bravely walked to the front of the boat and hopped right in. Luckily there weren't any sharks and the water wasn't too cold. Always do something that scares you. 

10. I turned 30. It seems sort of ridiculous to throw this on the list but it happened a few weeks ago. Did I wake up and feel like a new person? No, but there is something wonderful about the confidence and grace that being 30 brings. It feels sort of surreal that my 20s are over but 30 has been great so far. 

So that is "all" that has been happening since the last time I blogged. Do I get a pass since I've been so busy? Don't worry I'm here for good. I hope you enjoy the new site and I can't wait to get back to regular blogging. 

Check out my Instagram pics for snapshots of all of the excitement...